Hello all and welcome to my stop on the Falling In Between Blog Tour! Before we get started with my interview with Devon, clink on the above image to find out about the giveaway she's holding on her blog! Oh ok, it's a doodlegraph copy of Falling In Between! How awesome is that?! Check it out!
Now onto my interview.
So Devon, what were your Top Ten favorite books of 2011? Why?
2011 brought a lot of great books, many of which I haven't even gotten to (my to-read pile is shameful). From what I've managed to read thus far, here are my faves for 2011.
1. Wither by Lauren DeStafano - Obviously kidnapping and marrying young girls just to procreate turns my stomach, but the budding romance between Rhine and Gabriel is what really kept me reading.
2. Ashfall by Mike Mullin - Yellowstone finally goes kaput and a boy ventures out into an ashfilled world in search of his family. But what really made this book a winner was Darla constantly having to save Alex's life cause he pretty much had zero survival skills.
3. Silence by Becca Fitzpatrick - Patch...need I say more? <drools>
4. Delirium by Lauren Oliver - Love is a sickness? Of course it is! Doesn't mean I want to live in a society where everyone's lobotomized just to avoid all the stupidity and heartbreak we suffer because of it.
5. Demonglass by Rachel Hawkins - Seriously, who couldn't love Sophie Mercer? Her sassy voice alone keeps me coming back for more.
6. Under the Stars by Rebecca A Rogers - Loved that for once the fairytale didn't end with happily ever after...it actually made me cry.
7. Divergent by Veronica Roth - Dystopian at its best.
8. Touch of Frost by Jennifer Estep - Hogwarts meets mythology...uber cool.
9. Out in Blue by Sarah Gilman - Finally someone's written a book that involves poachers going after the freakin' angels. The romance seemed childish to me but the story was still really good.
10. Cinder and Ella by Melissa Lemon - I love fairytale retellings and I particularly loved the supernatural twists this one had.
Thanks Devon! I've only read Divergent so far and I have to agree with you on that one! Thanks to everyone who stopped by. Be sure to check back February 15th when I post my review for Falling In Between!