
Cover Reveal: Halo of the Sun @laurakreitzer

Halo of the Sun is the final book in the best-selling Timeless Series, an urban fantasy series by Laura Kreitzer, set to release this winter.

No more waiting. War is upon them. The dimensions between the worlds are open and Earth is in chaos. The dead fight the living, and the humans fight the immortals. The streets are stained with spilled blood, and now Gabriella must lead an army of angels to the battle that will end it all.
She’s experienced the dark and the light. She’s known truth, family, and love. And now she must make a choice that could tear it apart forever. There’s not much time. The clock is ticking. . . .
It all started a year ago in a lab. Is the battlefield where it ends? Find out in the explosive conclusion to Laura Kreitzer’s Timeless Series.

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Here's the cover




Halo of the Sun for web preview
(Comment from Laura): I really do love the colors, and as always, my graphic design artist goes above and beyond.

Sneak Peek:

Wind dashed through the void formed by the dimensional rip, devastating the land. Space and time was a vacuum, ravaging Earth, one mountain, one city, one blade of grass at a time. Matter shattered. People were swept into the fray as a tornado of worlds collided. Ghosting in and out, collapsing in on each other. Refugees fled the Mediterranean, looking to the angels to end the madness as it spread like a disease across the land. But there was no relief. Nowhere to run. Eventually, the dimensions would be one. Creatures surged forth from places unknown, places unseen. Dragons, horned beasts, and fire spirits. Sea monsters and winged giants. Angels flew overhead, fighting back the onslaught. Standing at the brink was a woman. Long, caramel hair cascaded in the chaos, eyes bright, wielding a dagger. Her stance remained firm, regardless of the intensity of the maelstrom and the lightning pouring from her blade. Beside her was a man, golden eyes glowing, shoulders tense. The day was warm and dry, the sky a kaleidoscope of swirling colors as space and suns and gases exploded. Their hands clasped around the dagger, eyes meeting, then she slid the dagger across their palms. Silver blood coated their skin; neither fear nor pain manifested on their faces, only searing desperation. The man produced an ancient key, gnarled, molded into a pearly dragon. Placing it between their bloody palms, they clasped hands and faced the dimensional tear.
What do you think?

Find Laura Kreitzer online: Website | Goodreads | Twitter | Facebook | Tumblr | Instagram


Waiting on Wednesday: Forest of Whispers @covercontessa @SpencerHillP @JenniferMurgia

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Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jill from Breaking the Spine that spotlights upcoming releases we are eagerly awaiting!

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Title: Forest of Whispers
Author: Jennifer Murgia
Publisher: Spencer Hill Press
Expected Publication Date: September 9, 2014

Raised by an old fortune-teller within the dark veil of the Bavarian Black Forest, Rune has learned two valuable lessons: only take from the forest that which you can use, and never, never look anyone in the eye in the village. For something terrible happened in the forest long ago... and now, the whispers of a long-dead mother with a vengeful secret have come haunting.

Forced to flee all she has ever known, Rune soon learns of a legacy she is bound to--one that is drenched in fear, witchcraft and murder--a birthright that stretches beyond the grave to the trees where Rune is no longer safe.

Jennifer Murgia photo 1384944_10200610144198229_370165092_n_zpsbcfb015a.jpg Jennifer Murgia has long loved the dark and speculative -- and it's from these dark places that she weaves fantastical stories, often hoping to find truth in them. Her Young Adult novels include the upcoming Historical Fantasy FOREST OF WHISPERS (9/9/14 -- Spencer Hill Press), BETWEEN THESE LINES, ANGEL STAR, LEMNISCATE & THE BLISS. She is the co-founder and coordinator of YA FEST and currently resides in Pennsylvania.

Forest of Whispers Spell Kit Giveaway
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Catacombs (The Immortal Archives #3) Release Week Event & Giveaway!

Hello all and welcome to the Release Week Event for Catacombs book three in The Immortal Archives series! I have some great teasers in store for you along with a giveaway for a $20 gift card to Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or Book Depository! Before I give you those teasers here's a little bit about Catacombs!


No one will hear her scream.

More than five years have passed since Emily was accidentally infected with the blood of a pure vampire. Now a member of this elite secret organization, it’s time for her to run her trials and determine her place within the hierarchy. After an awkward evening with her leader Gaius, she wants nothing more than to get back to teaching at the Warrior school for demon hunters. But before she even has the chance to leave, she, Noel and Abby are all summoned to deal with the organization’s dirty little secret. Something deadly has been trapped within the catacombs beneath their headquarters for centuries, waiting for the day to wreak vengeance. That day has finally come – and the horror of what lies beneath may destroy them all.

New Adult Urban Fantasy


Banging again, the door was swiftly yanked open between her third and fourth pound.
    Disheveled would have been a kind assessment to the nightmare standing before her. The blackout curtains were still closed, but even in the dimness, Abby could tell Emily looked like she’d gone one-on-one with a weed whacker and lost. Pushing her way into the room, she teased, “Well, that explains why you’re not out there fighting for the attention of a certain bachelor.” Damn, this room is nice.
     Emily closed the door and roughly rubbed her hands all over her face. “I may be looking for a partner in life but I’m not desperate for one.”
      “And dating Gaius would be considered an act of desperation?”
    “Competing for him would be.” Emily dug through her bag, flinging out fresh clothes with so much force they whipped the air. Why she hadn’t put them in the drawers yet, Abby didn’t know. “I mean, why are all these women throwing themselves at him anyway?”
     “Well, I’ve only spent so much time with him, but from what I’ve seen he’s nice, smart, powerful, he rules an organization and he allows all kinds of immortals to use his pad as a haven to escape the craziness of the world. Exactly which of those traits were supposed to turn those women off?”
     “Whatever. They can throw themselves at him all they want. I’m not gonna play this game.”
     Abby couldn’t help but smile, but thankfully Emily was too preoccupied with her bag to notice. “But you already are. You just have a different strategy. Kudos to you for playing hard to get. Being easy certainly hasn’t worked.”
     Snapping to attention, Emily actually pointed at her on the way to the bathroom. “I’m not playing hard to get.”
     “Uh-huh. Okay.”
     “I’m not!” Emily yelled defiantly as she crossed the threshold. Abby yanked the curtains open to fill the room with much needed light, then nosily browsed the room that felt twice the size of hers and Noel’s. Quite honestly, Abby was surprised the room just had a sitting area instead of an actual living room since it was in the secured wing. She must’ve been given one of the smaller rooms on the floor, but still, it beat hers by far. Gaius had been very generous.
     On the table beside her reading chair was a framed photo Abby couldn’t resist picking up. It was of Emily, Darby and Mira, all dressed up for the festival back in Wellas, the little town down the mountain from where the Order’s school was. They were an Athenian goddess, a Swiss bar maid and a glittering fairy – their cheeks cherry red from the cold. She smiled, remembering that night all too well. This was the before shot. Before they got drunk. Before they were jumped on and slashed at by a baby grinloch.
     Before it all went to shit.
     Before both of Emily’s best friends died.
    Two more hunters gone from this Earth. Even with Eraticus gone, they were still dying too quickly.
     Her smile now saddened, she placed the picture back.                
     “So why are you so bent out of shape?” she asked. “Why do you care what these women do?”
    “I’m not and I don’t!” Her voice was echoing inside the bathroom, and Abby wondered if Emily had neighbors who could hear her right now. “I just think he can do better, is all.”
   “So does he apparently. Otherwise he would’ve picked one by now.” Flicking on the light and opening the closet door, Abby’s jaw dropped before crying out, “Whoa! Holy mother of walk-in closets!”
     “What?” she asked, joining Abby in the oversized closet.
    “What?” Abby mocked. Fingering through the rack with admiration to the new wardrobe, Abby stated, “You did not bring that much luggage with you. So either you’ve learned a spell to rip off a couture shop or this wardrobe was awaiting your arrival.”
      “Yeah, so? Doesn’t your closet look the same?”
      Abby felt her muscles take on that are you nuts? face – the one she usually reserved for Noel – and her head slowly rotated sideways. It took a second, but Emily’s expression finally took on a knowing look. “Oh. Oh! Oh, crap.”
    “Yeah. Oh, crap,” Abby parroted. Crossing her arms, she curiously asked, “What exactly has happened between the two of you so far, ‘cause he sure as hell hasn’t been this generous with me.”
         Uncomfortable with the question, she fidgeted, stammering, “I… Well…”